【每週移民快訊】香港將成全球老化最嚴重地區? 美國富豪搶買「黃金護照」?

/【每週移民快訊】香港將成全球老化最嚴重地區? 美國富豪搶買「黃金護照」?

【每週移民快訊】香港將成全球老化最嚴重地區? 美國富豪搶買「黃金護照」?

題目: 香港將成全球老化最嚴重地區? 美國富豪搶買「黃金護照」?

  1. 【香港】繼續搶人才及企業 評論:賀建奎事件恐令人才對港印象大打折扣
  2. 【香港】香港2050年料4成人為長者 成全球老化最嚴重地區
  3. 【日本】日本高端外國人才 66%來自中國
  4. 【英國】主婦英文麻麻想搵工幫輕老公 移英港人教做執倉︰聽唔明照請
  5. 【英國】英國完成每周工作 4 天試驗 打工仔或能實現夢想
  6. 【荷蘭】ChatGPT 幫學生交功課 荷蘭大學有乜招數拆解?
  7. 【加拿大】加拿大「堵城」排名 多倫多第一溫哥華第二
  8. 【加拿大】加拿大香港組織遊說渥太華 進一步優惠港移民
  9. 【美國】美國富豪搶買「黃金護照」 諮詢量暴增447% 投資233萬港元即可移民歐盟國
  10. 【澳洲】政府提高留學生工時上限 部份學位畢業後可留高達六年
  11. 【澳洲】報讀專業涉國安風險 中國留學生簽證審批持續延遲
  12. 【澳洲】校網樓繼續升!最熱校區樓價舊年逆市勁升兩百萬

觀看直播: https://youtube.com/live/A_-liIDuozg?feature=share


1.【香港】繼續搶人才及企業 評論:賀建奎事件恐令人才對港印象大打折扣









資料來源: https://www.rfa.org/cantonese/news/htm/hk-talent-02222023081256.html


2.【香港】香港2050年料4成人為長者 成全球老化最嚴重地區


英或加快提升退休年齡至68歲 2035年實施



加拿大去年增43萬移民創新高 填補勞動力缺口



資料來源: https://inews.hket.com/article/3466518/%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AF2050%E5%B9%B4%E6%96%994%E6%88%90%E4%BA%BA%E7%82%BA%E9%95%B7%E8%80%85%20%E6%88%90%E5%85%A8%E7%90%83%E8%80%81%E5%8C%96%E6%9C%80%E5%9A%B4%E9%87%8D%E5%9C%B0%E5%8D%80?mtc=20042



3.【日本】日本高端外國人才 66%來自中國






資料來源: https://std.stheadline.com/realtime/article/1906975/%E5%8D%B3%E6%99%82-%E5%9C%8B%E9%9A%9B-%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E9%AB%98%E7%AB%AF%E5%A4%96%E5%9C%8B%E4%BA%BA%E6%89%8D-66-%E4%BE%86%E8%87%AA%E4%B8%AD%E5%9C%8B


4.【英國】主婦英文麻麻想搵工幫輕老公 移英港人教做執倉︰聽唔明照請









需學習為長者清潔身體、餵食、換尿片屎袋等,六個月後有證書,不愁找不到工。有網民問是否需英文極佳,她「覺得係唔需要嘅」,並教可上YouTube看healthcare support worker相關短片,面試大約45分鐘,另有簡單英文筆試及數學筆試,加作一篇文。


有網民指出學校會聘請清潔兼職,每日2至3個鐘左右,大約每小時10英鎊(約94港元),足夠一般家庭每日開支飲食。而為學生烹調膳食,如dinner lady長期缺人。


資料來源: https://topick.hket.com/article/3466111/%E3%80%90%E7%A7%BB%E6%B0%91%E8%8B%B1%E5%9C%8B%E3%80%91%E4%B8%BB%E5%A9%A6%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%E9%BA%BB%E9%BA%BB%E6%83%B3%E6%90%B5%E5%B7%A5%E5%B9%AB%E8%BC%95%E8%80%81%E5%85%AC%E3%80%80%E7%A7%BB%E8%8B%B1%E6%B8%AF%E4%BA%BA%E6%95%99%E5%81%9A%E5%9F%B7%E5%80%89%EF%B8%B0%E8%81%BD%E5%94%94%E6%98%8E%E7%85%A7%E8%AB%8B


5.【英國】英國完成每周工作 4 天試驗 打工仔或能實現夢想



英國剛剛完成了一個為期六個月的試驗計劃。它的英文名稱是 4 Day Week Campaign,並得到牛津、劍橋和波士頓大學的研究員幫忙。

這試驗計劃號稱全球規模最大,是基於 100:80:100 這個模型 — 意思是指,公司會向員工發 100% 的工資;員工只需做 80% 的工時;但要致力保持 100% 的生產力。


有關結果,已呈交了英國國會,倡議者希望英國國會議員能夠考慮結果,讓英國全職工人每周工作 32 小時。


這個計劃共有 61 家公司參與,其中 56 家決定將這個計劃延長執行,而當中更有 18 家表示,他們不僅延長,還會永久執行這個計劃。

英國皇家生物學會 (Royal Society of Biology) 便是其中一間表示會推行每周工作四天計劃的公司。

該學會的 CEO Dr Mark Downs 表示,推行這個試驗計劃後,少了員工申請病假 — 從之前每人平均每年申請 4 至 5 天病假,下降至不及兩天。

全球知名管理顧問公司 McKinsey & Company 的資深合夥人、來自新西蘭的 Ben Fletcher,在澳洲報章 Australian Financial Review 舉辦的勞動力峰會上有份發言。


至於澳洲本地也有公司採用了每周工作 4 天的上班模式。

其中一間是以墨爾本為基地的軟件公司 Symbiote。他們每天的工時並沒有增加。

Symbiote 董事總經理 Owen Windsor 表示,近年工作模式的轉型,再加上新冠大流行的推波助瀾,這些都使到每周工作 4 天的上班模式抬頭。

Windsor 說,現在他的職員比之前更為專注,也更能善用時間。

他說,公司連開會的方式也作出改變 — 以前會浪費時間在某些環節上,現在則更為精簡。

對於目前澳洲勞動市場持續緊張的情況,Windsor 認為,每周工作 4 天是一種吸引人才的手段。

他表示,有些公司會提供各種福利 (perks,即「著數」) 來吸引人才,之不過,他覺得應該做一些更有意義的事,他寧願為員工帶來實實在在的回報,而不是像在公司設立早餐吧 (breakfast bar) 這些福利。

資料來源: https://www.sbs.com.au/language/chinese/zh-hant/podcast-episode/can-australia-ever-have-a-four-day-working-week/yiwe4o16z


6.【荷蘭】ChatGPT 幫學生交功課 荷蘭大學有乜招數拆解?


荷蘭的教育機構現正在尋找新的解決方案。烏得勒支大學(Utrecht University)表示,防止學生使用 ChatGPT 的一種方法,係要求學生解釋他們的功課,因為該校覺得,如果學生係用人工智能寫功課時,要解釋自己如何得到某個論點時,就會相當困難。

荷蘭另一大學Nyenrode Business University 更建議,要求學生在學校監視下進行測驗,可能係另一種選擇。另一種做法,係要求學生喺功課中加入最近的資料,因為ChatGPT 並未包含最新的資料。

資料來源: https://nltimes.nl/2023/02/10/dutch-universities-still-struggling-uncover-work-written-chatgpt


7.【加拿大】加拿大「堵城」排名 多倫多第一溫哥華第二




TomTom的全球產品營銷負責人Andy Marchant在報告中表示,與歐洲城市相比,加拿大最大城市的出行時間「並沒有那麼糟糕」,但他指出,情況相較於前一年變得更糟了。


麥馬士達大學(McMaster University)地球、環境與社會學院教授紐博爾德(Bruce Newbold)認為,TomTom的一些數字可能低估了出行時間。




公民參與非牟利組織(CivicAction)的首席執行官胡禮絲(Leslie Woo)表示,人們花在交通上的時間是「悲慘的」。








資料來源: https://www.singtao.ca/6182481/2023-02-22/news-%E5%8A%A0%E6%8B%BF%E5%A4%A7%E3%80%8C%E5%A0%B5%E5%9F%8E%E3%80%8D%E6%8E%92%E5%90%8D++%E5%A4%9A%E5%80%AB%E5%A4%9A%E7%AC%AC%E4%B8%80%E6%BA%AB%E5%93%A5%E8%8F%AF%E7%AC%AC%E4%BA%8C/?variant=zh-hk


8.【加拿大】加拿大香港組織遊說渥太華 進一步優惠港移民

港加聯丶溫支聯丶沙省香港同行及溫哥華香港協進會等 4 個團體於 2 月 14 至 16 日派出代表團前往渥太華,會見負責加港關係和移民政策的國會議員和部門官員。這些組織呼籲渥太華擴大對港人的支持,協助香港不僅是出於加拿大價值觀,也對加拿大經濟有實質幫助。

4 個加拿大港人團體從 2019 年開始就推動為港人而設的救生艇計劃。最近政府延長及擴展為港人而設的開放式工作簽證,代表團為此感謝相關國會議員及移民部改進相關政策。然而,政策仍存在有待改進的空間。

為應對港版國安法下急切保護港人的需要,代表團建議加拿大政府理順整個救生艇政策,進一步相應放寬Stream B永久居民申請條件,並延長政策至2026年以後。代表團向所有會見的國會議員和官員提交一份香港最新情勢分析和對加港關係及移民政策建議書作為國會制訂未來對港政策的參考。

港加聯會長馮玉蘭在 2 月 15 日於加拿大香港國會友好組織的周年大會上以主講嘉賓身份發表有關加拿大可如何繼續支援香港的演説。她對星島表示,加拿大急缺勞動力,而香港的人才素質高,正符合加拿大的需求,因此擴大對香港人的移民支持,是加港雙贏。

資料來源: https://www.singtao.ca/6183658/2023-02-23/news-%E5%8A%A0%E6%8B%BF%E5%A4%A7%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AF%E7%B5%84%E7%B9%94%E9%81%8A%E8%AA%AA%E6%B8%A5%E5%A4%AA%E8%8F%AF++%E9%80%B2%E4%B8%80%E6%AD%A5%E5%84%AA%E6%83%A0%E6%B8%AF%E7%A7%BB%E6%B0%91/?variant=zh-hk


9.【美國】美國富豪搶買「黃金護照」 諮詢量暴增447% 投資233萬港元即可移民歐盟國

「只要有錢,居留權也能購買。」美國富豪在各種時局動蕩下,近幾年開始大量諮詢投資移民計劃(Immigrant Investor Programme,簡稱IIP),別稱為黃金護照、黃金簽證的申請方法,數據顯示,美國人的咨詢量在3年内增加了447%,遠超其他國家。






資料來源:  https://businessfocus.io/article/224398/美國-黃金護照-黃金簽證-歐盟-投資?utm_campaign=BFHK-Web-CopyContent&utm_source=BFHK&utm_medium=Web-CopyContent


10.【澳洲】政府提高留學生工時上限 部份學位畢業後可留高達六年


為應對本地技術短缺,澳洲聯邦政府宣佈,將留學生在學期期間的兼職工作時數上限,由目前每兩星期 40 小時,增加至每兩星期 48 小時。

政府表示,新措施將於本年 7 月 1 日起生效,將有助留學生在賺取生活開支之餘,亦能獲取寶貴的工作經驗及為本地勞動力市場作出貢獻。


有關措施同樣將在本年 7 月 1 日起實施,將為合資格畢業生延長臨時畢業生簽證兩年,意即:

  • 部份學士學位畢業生的簽證期限由 2 年增加至 4 年
  • 部份碩士學位畢業生的簽證期限由 3 年增加至 5 年
  • 全部博士學位畢業生的簽證期限由 4 年增加至 6 年

合資格人士在 7 月 1 日當日持有有效臨時畢業生簽證 (簽證類別 485),或在當天之後申請畢業生簽證,均可獲延長簽證期限兩年。



Medical and Nursing
Occupation Category – Medical Professionals
Bachelor of Psychological Science

Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)

Bachelor of Health Science

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science

Bachelor of Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography)

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Honours)

Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Medical Imaging)

Bachelor of Health Sciences

Bachelor of Radiography and Medical Imaging (Honours)

Bachelor of Medical Imaging (Honours)

Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Medical Studies

Bachelor of Clinical Sciences/Doctor of Medicine

Master of Speech Pathology

Master of Clinical Psychology

Master of Diagnostic Radiography

Master of Applied Behaviour Analysis

Master of Applied Psychology

Master of Leadership and Management in Health Care

Master of Audiology Studies

Master of Research (Medicine and Health Sciences)

Master of Clinical Embryology

Master of Philosophy (Medicine and Health)

Master of Business Psychology

Master of Psychology

Master of Professional Psychology

Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy

Occupational Category: Nursing and Medical Technicians
Bachelor of Nursing

Bachelor of Science (Nursing)

Bachelor of Nursing (Pre-Registration)

Bachelor of Health Science

Bachelor of Nursing Science

Bachelor of Health Sciences

Bachelor of Nursing (Enrolled Nurses)

Bachelor of Nursing (Graduate Entry)

Bachelor of Health Science (Clinical Nutrition)

Bachelor of Nutrition Science

Bachelor of Nursing Science: Graduate Entry

Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science

Bachelor of Health and Community Services

Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences

Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies)

Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science

Bachelor of Public Health

Bachelor of Applied Public Health

Bachelor of Nursing – Enrolled Nurse to Registered Nurse Pathway

Bachelor of Dermal Sciences

Master of Public Health

Master of Public Health Advanced

Master of Nursing Practice

Master of Nursing

Master of Nursing Practice (Pre-registration)

Master of Nursing International

Master of Laboratory Medicine

Master of Nursing Practice (Preregistration)

Master of Global Public Health

Master of Nursing (Graduate Entry)

Master of Health Science

Masters of Public Health Extension

Master of Nursing Science

Master of Biomedical and Health Science

Master of Nutrition and Population Health

Master of Health and Human Services Management

Master of Health Management

Master of Nursing Studies

Master of Dietetics

Master of Nursing (Professional Studies)

Professional Health
Occupational Category: Dentistry
Bachelor of Dental Science (Honours)

Bachelor of Dental Surgery

Bachelor of Dental Health Science

Bachelor of Dental Science

Bachelor of Oral Health

Bachelor of Dental Prosthetics

Bachelor of Oral Health Therapy

Bachelor of Oral Health (Therapy and Hygiene)

Bachelor of Dental Technology

Bachelor of Dental Technology/Bachelor of Dental Prosthetics

Bachelor of Dental Hygiene

Bachelor of Science (Oral Health Therapy)

Master of Dentistry

Master of Dental Public and Primary Health

Master of Clinical Dentistry

Occupational Category: Veterinarian
Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Honours)

Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Animal and Veterinary Bioscience)

Bachelor of Veterinary Technology

Bachelor of Animal and Veterinary Biosciences

Bachelor of Veterinary Science

Bachelor of Animal and Veterinary Bioscience

Bachelor of Veterinary Nursing

Bachelor of Science (Animal Health Major)

Bachelor of Veterinary Biology/Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Bachelor of Science / Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Master of Philosophy (Veterinary Science)

Master of Tropical Veterinary Science

Occupational Category: Medical Imaging
Bachelor of Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography)

Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Medical Imaging)

Bachelor of Medical Imaging (Honours)

Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Honours) (Diagnostic Radiography)

Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Honours) (Radiation Therapy)

Bachelor of Medical and Radiation Physics

Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Honours) (Nuclear Medicine)

Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Radiations)

Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Radiation Therapy)

Bachelor of Radiation Sciences

Master of Diagnostic Radiography

Master of Magnetic Resonance Technology

Master of Medical Imaging

Master of Radiopharmaceutical Science

Master of Molecular Imaging Technology

Occupational Category: Radiologist
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science

Bachelor of Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography)

Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Medical Imaging)

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Honours)

Bachelor of Radiography and Medical Imaging (Honours)

Bachelor of Medical Imaging (Honours)

Bachelor of Medical Studies

Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery

Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine

Bachelor of Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine

Bachelor of Clinical Sciences/Doctor of Medicine

Master of Diagnostic Radiography

Master of Research (Medicine and Health Sciences)

Master of Clinical Embryology

Master of Philosophy (Medicine and Health)

Allied Health
Occupational Category: Psychologist
Bachelor of Psychological Science

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)

Bachelor of Psychology

Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)

Bachelor of Science (Physiotherapy)

Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy

Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy)

Bachelor of Science (Psychology)

Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)

Bachelor of Science in Chiropractic Science leading to Bachelor of Clinical Chiropractic

Bachelor of Chiropractic Science

Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology)

Bachelor of Psychological Sciences

Master of Occupational Therapy Practice

Master of Clinical Psychology

Master of Clinical Audiology

Master of Clinical Physiotherapy

Occupational Category: Recovery Therapist
Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)

Bachelor of Health Science

Bachelor of Science (Physiotherapy)

Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy)

Bachelor of Science (Occupational Therapy) (Honours)

Bachelor of Physiotherapy

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy

Bachelor of Podiatry

Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)

Bachelor of Science in Chiropractic Science leading to Bachelor of Clinical Chiropractic

Bachelor of Chiropractic Science

Bachelor of Health Sciences

Master of Occupational Therapy

Master of Physiotherapy

Master of Chiropractic

Master of Speech Pathology

Master of Physiotherapy Studies

Master of Occupational Therapy Practice

Master of Speech Language Pathology

Master of Speech Pathology Studies

Master of Clinical Audiology

Master of Clinical Physiotherapy

Master of Leadership and Management in Health Care

Master of Rehabilitation  Counselling and Mental Health

Master of Physiotherapy Practice

Master of Music Therapy

Master of Advanced Clinical Physiotherapy (Sports)

Master of Audiology

Occupational Category: Optometrist
Bachelor of Vision Science

Master of Optometry

Bachelor of Vision Science/Master of Clinical Optometry

Bachelor of Vision Science / Master of Optometry

Bachelor of Medical Science (Vision Science)/Master of Optometry

Master of Health Sciences (Research)

Master of Clinical Optometry

Occupational Category: Pharmacist
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)

Bachelor of Pharmacy

Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science

Bachelor of Pharmacy and Management

Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Honours)

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical and Pharmaceutical)

Bachelor of Pharmacy with Honours

Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) and Master of Pharmacy

Master of Pharmacy

Master of Pharmaceutical Science

Master of Good Manufacturing Practice

Master of Philosophy

Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) / Master of Pharmacy Practice

Master of Philosophy (Pharmacy)

Master of Pharmacy (Research)

Occupational Category: Teacher
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and Care (Birth-5)

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Birth to 5)

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary)

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Birth to Five Years)

Bachelor of Education (Honours)

Bachelor of Education (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/Birth-12)

Bachelor of Education (Secondary: Humanities) / Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Honours)

Bachelor of Education (Primary)

Bachelor of Early Childhood and Primary Education

Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) with Bachelor of Arts

Master of Education

Master of Teaching

Master of Teaching (Secondary)

Master of Teaching (Early Childhood)

Master of TESOL

Master of Teaching (Birth – 5 years/Birth – 12 Years)

Master of Teaching (Early Childhood and Primary)

Master of Education (Advanced)

Master of Education (Special Education, Advanced)

Master of Education (By Coursework)

Master of Teaching (Primary)

Master of Teaching (Secondary Education)

Masters of Teaching (Secondary)

Master of Arts (TESOL)


Occupational Category: Engineer
Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)

Bachelor of Biomedical Science

Bachelor of Medical Science

Bachelor of Project Management

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours)

Bachelor of Science (Lab + Non-lab Based)

Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Advanced Studies

Bachelor of Engineering (Civil and Infrastructure) (Honours)

Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil)

Bachelor of Engineering Science

Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science)

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical)

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil)

Master of Engineering

Master of Professional Engineering

Master of Engineering Science

Master of Biotechnology

Master of Construction Management

Master of Science

Master of Construction Management (Professional)

Master of Engineering (Professional)

Master of Engineering Management

Master of Professional Engineering (Accelerated)

Master of Machine Learning and Computer Vision

Master of Biomedical Science

Master of Engineering (Extension)

Master of Engineering Science (Management)

Master of Philosophy (Engineering)

Occupational Category: ICT
Bachelor of Information Technology

Bachelor of Computer Science

Bachelor of Business Information Systems

Bachelor of Advanced Computing

Bachelor of Networking

Bachelor of Science – Computer Science

Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)

Bachelor of Information Systems

Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology

Bachelor of Cyber Security

Bachelor of Business Analytics

Bachelor of Information Technology  (Mobile Applications Development) (Standard)

Bachelor of Advanced  Computing (Honours)

Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems

Bachelor of Software Engineering

Bachelor of Computing Science (Honours)

Bachelor of Information Technology (Software Development)

Bachelor of Data Science

Master of Information Technology

Master of Data Science

Master of Business Information Systems

Master of Information Systems

Master of Information Technology and Systems

Master of Computer Science

Master of Computing

Master of Business Analytics

Master of Cyber Security

Master of Information Technology and Master of Information Technology Management

Master of Networking

Master of Applied Information Technology

Master of Technology (Enterprise Systems and Business Analytics)

Master of Technology (Software Engineering)

Master of Cybersecurity

Master of Information Technology (Enterprise Management)

Master of Enterprise Resource Planning

Master of Computing and Innovation

Occupational Category: Agriculture
Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Biomedicine

Bachelor of Biomedical Science

Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Advanced Studies

Bachelor of Agriculture

Bachelor of Agricultural Science

Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience)

Bachelor of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

Bachelor of Science (Honours)

Bachelor of Science (Science)

Bachelor of Environmental Science

Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)

Bachelor of Environmental Management (Honours)

Bachelor of Marine Science

Master of Environmental Science

Master of Environmental Management

Master of Environment

Master of Biotechnology

Master of Marine Biology

Master of Agricultural Science

Master of Science in Agriculture

Master of Sustainability

Master of Science (Bioinformatics)

Master of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics

Master of Environment and Sustainability

Master of Agricultural Sciences

Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical)

Master of Molecular Biology

Master of Environmental Management and Sustainability

Occupational Category: Food Technologist
Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Biomedical Science

Bachelor of Medical Science

Bachelor of Science (Lab + Non-lab Based)

Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Advanced Studies

Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science)

Bachelor of Science (Honours)

Bachelor of Medical Sciences

Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science Advanced (Honours)

Bachelor of Science (Food Technology and Nutrition)

Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science)

Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science

Bachelor of Biotechnology

Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology

Bachelor of Science (Science)

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical)

Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)

Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Laboratory Medicine)

Master of Biotechnology

Master of Science

Master of Food Science and Technology

Master of Biomedical Science

Master of Materials Technology

Master of Pharmaceutical Industry Practice

Master of Research

Master of Science (Food Science and Technology)

Master of Biotechnology Research Extensive

Master of Science (Chemistry)

Master of Viticulture and Oenology

Master of Laboratory Medicine

Master of Wine Business

Master of Medical Biotechnology (Extension)

Master of Science in Biotechnology

Master of Science (Professional)

Master of Food Science

資料來源: https://www.sbs.com.au/language/chinese/zh-hant/article/addressing-skills-shortages-in-key-industries-and-rebuilding-the-international-education-sector/vcaolv8tt


11.【澳洲】報讀專業涉國安風險 中國留學生簽證審批持續延遲


來自中國的Melody Zhao獲得迪肯大學(Deakin University)的數據科學專業的博士生錄取信後,在去年2月23日入紙申請學生簽證,不料一等就是一年,她不得不四次延遲開學。




超7萬份「學生簽證」離岸申請待處理 國際學生: 苦等18個月

Melody Zhao表示,她知道有人已等了3年。「澳洲的簽證審批政策對我們國家的學生似乎太嚴厲和不公了。沒跡象顯示政府會清理積壓的離岸申請,即使他們在11和12月已為在岸博士生批出了2000個簽證。」









資料來源: https://www.sbs.com.au/language/chinese/zh-hant/article/visa-delays-for-security-checks-turning-chinese-students-away-from-australia/zx1pviwmx





根據Domain的定義,校網區(School Catchment)是指公立學校核心招收學生時,學生必須居住的地點範圍。


根據 Domain 的說法,學校亦有權自定校網的範圍,亦可於只延申至某住宅區、甚至某條街道的某個中間位置,實際大小亦可以作出變化。

在澳洲各地的房價增長最快的 20 個校網區中,有 16 個位於昆州。而昆州Walloon State School去年的升幅達43.9%(升至平均$636,000)而名列前矛。

雖然雪梨和墨爾本的學區年度整體價格增長比例最低,(因兩地的房地產市場目前最疲軟),但若以樓價實際上升的金額而論,雪梨下北岸的 Artarmon Public School 的校網區則為「升值之王」。

當地房價中位數一年內由 1,075,000 飈升至 3,545,000 ,升幅比 2021 年亦勁增 43.5%。

雪梨西北部的 Riverstone High School 在全市中學區中增長最快,其中位數躍升 18.4% 至 116 萬澳元。

而墨爾本市中心 Alphington Primary School 校網區的房價上升 27.9%(498,500 元),該校網區的房價中位價為 226 萬澳元。

Drouin Secondary College 靠近該市外東南部的 Pakenham,則是高中校網區的房值升幅榜首,價格上升 22.1% 至 855,000 澳元。

同時,雪梨Bellevue Hill公立小學的校網區,物業價格於去年飆升了 20.2%,但Bellevue Hill整個住宅區的物業價格、去年只上升 1.7%。

Domain 的研究及經濟主管 Nicola Powell 博士表示,數據顯示,買家仍然願意在房產上花費更多,以便子女能進入「合適的學校」。



資料來源: https://www.sbs.com.au/language/chinese/zh-hant/article/school-zones-witness-biggest-growth-in-house-prices-but-expert-has-warns-against-rental/u0f1e8buy

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